Product line

Direwolf Premium Vodka 33%

100% of Newbev’s products are made from specialty rice only found in Vietnam, distilled through 6-collum distillation system and then filtered slowly via quartz sand and birchwood charcoal.

Vodka and spirits named generally “Ruou”, is closely tied to any Vietnamese’ life, either in bad times or good times. “Ruou” can be used as a catalyst for a party or a soothing drink in a sad night. We live our lives with “ruou”, either it is a family reunion or simply a friend get-together.

“Ruou” simply turns our moments into memories…

The story of Direwolf Premium Vodka 33%

From a grain of rice to a drop of premium vodka

Each grain harvested is consider “God’s treasures” by the meticulous and labor intensive process. The best grain were selected, soaked, planted and harvested by the experienced farmers.

Once harvested and fermented, the ‘God’s treasures’ become rice wine in its simplest form. The wine now goes through 6 towers of distillation and multiple layers of filtration to become the purest vodka possible: the Direwolf Vodka.

Direwolf Premium Vodka – 100% from Vietnam specialty rice.


Direwolves In Real life